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10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays: A Guide to Enjoying Festivities Without Sabotaging Your Health

10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays: A Guide to Enjoying Festivities Without Sabotaging Your Health

Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meals can often lead to overeating. Having a filling snack prior to a holiday event, such as fruit, string cheese, yogurt or a small handful of nuts. This can help hold you over without making you feel ravenous when you get there.

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The Crucial Role of Supervision in Strength Training

The Crucial Role of Supervision in Strength Training

Those who used supervision for strength training had better outcomes in almost every way. Especially, post- menopausal and osteoporotic women, which had a 74% lower dropout rate than those that chose to strength train by themselves. While there was no evidence that supervision affected fat loss any different, it showed better outcomes on strength gains.

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Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine: 6 Habits For Better Health

Spring Clean Your Fitness Routine: 6 Habits For Better Health

Get Outside: With the weather warming up, it's time to get outside! Enjoying outdoor activities is a great pairing to your strength training program, and we all could use a little vitamin D. Go for a hike with a friend, play in the park with your kids, or go for a walk with your dog. Just get outside!

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New Year, New You: Revisiting Your Resolutions for a Better You

New Year, New You: Revisiting Your Resolutions for a Better You

If you have made progress towards your resolutions, good for you! You are one of the few. Studies have shown that only 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year's Resolutions, and most completely abandon them within 30 days. The number one reason people abandon their goals is because they don't have a game plan. You can't just set a goal and forget about it, you have to actually take action towards it.

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