10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays: A Guide to Enjoying Festivities Without Sabotaging Your Health

  1. Don’t skip meals. Skipping a meals can often lead to overeating. Having a filling snack prior to a holiday event, such as fruit, string cheese, yogurt or a small handful of nuts. This can help hold you over without making you feel ravenous when you get there.

  2. Contribute a healthy dish. Ask to bring a dish and make it a healthy option. This will ensure that there is something healthy there for you to eat.

  3. Choose your splurges. Be selective about the foods you do indulge in. Have a little of your holiday favorites and skip the rest.

  4. Fill your plate with color. Aim to cover half the plate in fruits and veggies.

  5. Choose drinks wisely. Stick to water, tea or seltzer, instead of high-calorie festive drinks. Alcoholic beverages not only contribute calories, but they can cause you to make poor judgments with food. If you do choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation.

  6. Visit the people, not the food. Move socializing away from the food to prevent mindless eating. Or plan get-togethers that are centered around an activity rather than food.

  7. Say no to food pushers (politely). Just because someone insists you eat something, doesn't mean you have to eat it.

  8. Savor seasonal treats. Having treats once a year will not make or break your weight. Make sure you take time to really taste and enjoy that special treat when you have it.

  9. Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. No one likes that icky, stuffed feeling after a meal. Eat slowly, and check your fullness levels while you’re eating. Remember — there are always leftovers!

  10. Don’t feel guilty. If you did overindulge, don’t beat yourself up. Just learn to listen to your fullness cues and move on.


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