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Strength Training Trumps Cardio for Effective Fat Loss: Here's Why
Exercise itself is not the ideal mode for weight loss. Exercise has many benefits to the body that have nothing to do with weight loss. Exercise can: improve muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness, increase bone density and function, reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, reduce the risk of falls and fractures, improve mental health.
Super Slow Strength Training: 7 Tips for Success
Near Zero Momentum - Each rep will be performed in a 10 second positive phase, followed by a 10 second negative phase. Your instructor will cue you on when to change directions, as well as when to slow down or speed up. Focus special attention to the turn arounds, and control your speed.
Revolutionize Your Workouts with Super Slow Training: The Exercise Institute Way
Proper strength circuit style exercise, or global metabolic strength and conditioning is a safe means to an end. Properly done, exercise can serve as a stimulus to the body. If that stimulus is intense, brief and infrequent enough it will trigger our bodies protective mechanisms in a positive way. Increasing our muscle mass and in turn help us live longer, stronger, leaner & injury free.
New Year, New You: Revisiting Your Resolutions for a Better You
If you have made progress towards your resolutions, good for you! You are one of the few. Studies have shown that only 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year's Resolutions, and most completely abandon them within 30 days. The number one reason people abandon their goals is because they don't have a game plan. You can't just set a goal and forget about it, you have to actually take action towards it.
A Critical Component of Exercise: Maintaining Proper Form
A sure-fire way to improve muscular strength is to lift weights. The purpose of strength training is to use the weight to cause muscular fatigue, not to use your muscles to move the weight. Good form and technique are crucial to engaging the correct muscles during exercise, and building a strong, balanced physique.
Transform Your Health with Personalized Nutrition: Everything You Need to Know About Our Personal Fit Nutrition Program
Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand when it comes to optimal health. A balanced diet supplies the nutrients your body needs to work effectively. Without proper nutrition, you are more prone to disease, infection, fatigue, increased body fat and low performance. So, let the EI team help you feel and look your best! Ask your trainer for more details.