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Unlocking the Benefits of Varying Repetition Speed and Time Under Load for Optimal Fitness Results

Unlocking the Benefits of Varying Repetition Speed and Time Under Load for Optimal Fitness Results

How slow do I need to move during a set of an exercise?

All methods of exercise will result in health and wellness benefits (assuming it is balanced with adequate recovery), but not all exercise methods are as efficient, safe, practical, or easy for everyone to adhere to.

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Understanding the Definition of Exercise for a Healthier You
Nathan Cook Nathan Cook

Understanding the Definition of Exercise for a Healthier You

Exercise itself is breaking down the muscles of our body to stimulate our bodies to adapt. Exercise itself does not make you stronger or healthier. The recovery between exercises is where the magic happens. If the balance between exercise and recovery is off, it can be very detrimental to your health. If you get nothing from this, please take away this: Recovery is AS essential to optimizing health as exercise.

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The True Purpose of Strength Training: More Than Muscular Gains

The True Purpose of Strength Training: More Than Muscular Gains

Resistance exercise is known to increase muscle mass & size, but there are far more benefits to resistance training than just that. Improved mobility, fall prevention, improved cognitive function, increased cancer survival, improvements to metabolic health (including diabetes), and reduction in all-cause mortality, are the real reasons you should be lifting weights. They are also the reasons you should prioritize strength training over aerobic training.

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Strength Training Trumps Cardio for Effective Fat Loss: Here's Why

Strength Training Trumps Cardio for Effective Fat Loss: Here's Why

Exercise itself is not the ideal mode for weight loss. Exercise has many benefits to the body that have nothing to do with weight loss. Exercise can: improve muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness, increase bone density and function, reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, reduce the risk of falls and fractures, improve mental health.

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Super Slow Strength Training: 7 Tips for Success

Super Slow Strength Training: 7 Tips for Success

Near Zero Momentum - Each rep will be performed in a 10 second positive phase, followed by a 10 second negative phase. Your instructor will cue you on when to change directions, as well as when to slow down or speed up. Focus special attention to the turn arounds, and control your speed.

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Imagine Strength: The Why Behind the Machines

Imagine Strength: The Why Behind the Machines

"After growing up on Arthur Jones and Darden teachings about proper HIT training and working at Nautilus the tide shifted from safe, effective and efficient exercise to high volume speed training. At this time having worked for Nautilus for 11 years I saw the writing on the wall. Even Nautilus became enamored with cardio equipment, multiple set high volume training, just to make a buck…”

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