Further Your Knowledge
Unlocking the Benefits of Varying Repetition Speed and Time Under Load for Optimal Fitness Results
How slow do I need to move during a set of an exercise?
All methods of exercise will result in health and wellness benefits (assuming it is balanced with adequate recovery), but not all exercise methods are as efficient, safe, practical, or easy for everyone to adhere to.
Maximizing Your Results: The Importance of Exercise Recovery
Exercise (stress) of a meaningful degree is required to tell the body something needs to change. Recovery is required to allow the body time to build up bigger and stronger. Without recovery, you are only doing more harm than good. Under recovery is more often than not the problem with lower levels of health and performance rather than overtraining.
Optimizing Your Workout Routine: Finding the Perfect Balance of Exercise Duration, Frequency, and Intensity
The workout is vital to STIMULATE our bodies to change; recovery is necessary to ALLOW our bodies to change. If you don't allow adequate recovery, you are wasting your time and efforts by breaking down your body and not building it back up.
Understanding the Definition of Exercise for a Healthier You
Exercise itself is breaking down the muscles of our body to stimulate our bodies to adapt. Exercise itself does not make you stronger or healthier. The recovery between exercises is where the magic happens. If the balance between exercise and recovery is off, it can be very detrimental to your health. If you get nothing from this, please take away this: Recovery is AS essential to optimizing health as exercise.