1. Clothing - Wear clothing that will keep you cool. Athletic clothes and shoes preferred, but not required.

  2. Breathe - Never hold your breath during exercise. We recommend short little breaths, almost as if you are panting. Spit out your gum, never exercise with anything loose in your mouth.

  3. Stabilize Your Head - Always keep your head and neck in a neutral position without strain. Relax your jaw.

  4. Near Zero Momentum - Each rep will be performed in a 10 second positive phase, followed by a 10 second negative phase. Your instructor will cue you on when to change directions, as well as when to slow down or speed up. Focus special attention to the turn arounds, and control your speed.

  5. Concentrate - To get the most effective workout possible, you must concentrate. Your trainer's job is to encourage you to do the exercises intensely with the right amount of time under tension. Your job is to stay focused on the exercise and not get distracted by conversation.

  6. Technique -Your first few sessions will be for learning purposes, rather than for targeted exercise. Remember it takes time to learn a new skill like SuperSlow.

  7. Control the Weight - Always control the weight. When finished, return the weight stack to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. Never slam or drop the weights. Our goal is to do no harm to your joints.


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